Climate Change, Environment Caring for Vulnerable Children in a Fractured World

Thomson Reuters Foundation, in partnership with UBS Optimus Foundation, aims to raise awareness across three key regions (Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Africa) of the impact of institutional care on children. This programme offers journalists the tools to stimulate public debate and contribute to policy change by exploring what the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child might mean by the “best interests” of the child, by ...


For years, conventional wisdom held that the best place to care for an orphan or an abandoned or mistreated child was in an institution. Charities and religious groups followed a similar logic.

Today, that thinking has started to change.

Historic abuse or neglect in institutions, adoption scandals, fake orphanages and the experiences of children themselves have given policy makers and professionals alike pause for thought.

Champions of an alternative approach cite decades of research which says children belong in families not in institutions. Personalities such as Harry Potter author J.K.Rowling have thrown their star power behind the campaign.

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