Proposals & Bids

Course Type: In-Company | Course Category: Presentation Skills

Course Introduction

Putting forward engaging proposals and making unbeatable bids

What's it about?

Having the ability to submit an engaging and comprehensive proposal or enter am unbeatable bid to an open tender is priceless in this increasingly competitive world. This workshop will give you the skills to confidently seek and professionally respond to competitive tenders of all types, from expressions of interest to quotations and submission via the e-sourcing process.

Who should attend?

This workshop would benefit anyone involved in the preparation and presentation of responses to requests for tender. SME business owners or any managers, sales and account staff involved in the tendering or new business process.

Learning outcomes

  • Why companies fail to get on the tender list and how you can ensure you succeed
  • Making a good impression at the first contact – written or face to face
  • Management skills throughout the tendering process.
  • Focusing on solutions and benefits to achieve success
  • Developing a clear message for the reader/audience
  • Writing and delivering a persuasive and engaging tender document and presentation


Your team and your organisation will be equipped with the skills necessary to identify competitive tendering opportunities and respond effectively, to win business and deliver greater profit.

Course Structure Highlights

  • Public and private sector issues
  • Getting to tender, the different categories of tender and how to respond
  • To bid or not to bid?
  • Preparing an initial response (selling document)
  • The opportunities meetings provide
  • The bid manager’s role and the structure, leadership and processes for the bid team
  • Developing the message for your tender
  • How to focus on solutions and benefits
  • Writing a covering letter - the pitfalls
  • Developing a persuasive document and presentation - the structure and the words we use
  • Debriefing and planning for future bids

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