Legal Network for Journalists at Risk

A single access point to critical legal support for journalists and independent media to protect their reporting on issues of vital public interest.


Formed in partnership with the Committee to Protect Journalists and Media Defence in 2021, the Legal Network for Journalists at Risk (LNJAR) brings together key organisations working to support journalists and independent media with their legal needs. LJNAR strategically coordinates legal support to enable journalists and independent media outlets to cover public interest stories and hold power to account without fear of retribution.


The LNJAR comprises member organisations and a steering committee. Assistance offered through the network ranges from urgent legal representation to ongoing assistance for the duration of a case and systemic support to improve the legal environment in which the media operates. 

To help our members assess whether they can offer support for your case, please let us know more about your situation by emailing [email protected]. 

If your organisation would like to become a member of the LNJAR to provide legal support, please contact us at [email protected]. LNJAR members must be nonpartisan, non-profit organisations that offer legal support and/or expertise in more than one country.

Key highlights

From the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria to Belarus, LNJAR members have combined efforts to support journalists and small media organisations in legal need. They have provided defence on a variety of cases, including defamation charges, threats of closure over licensing issues, and alleged violations of anti-state laws. 

LNJAR members coordinated legal support on behalf of Chutima Sidasthian, a Thai journalist and activist accused of criminal defamation charges in response to her investigation on the diversion of funds intended for farmers in the Korat region. Sidasthian’s investigation led to the creation of a special commission to investigate the alleged banking scandal. Through the LNJAR, support was facilitated to cover Sidasthian’s legal fees, to monitor the trial and to coordinate advocacy efforts. On March 6, 2024, the Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Court cleared Sidasthian of all three charges.

Sidasathian faced six more criminal defamation charges, five of which were dropped by prosecutors. She is awaiting a trial date for the remaining charge. All nine charges have been made by the same local official.

Training opportunities for journalists

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Training opportunities for journalists

Explore our range of capacity-building programmes for journalists.

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Renewed efforts must be made to counter the evolving ecosystem of threats and challenges to media freedom and the safety of journalists…. [this] calls for a holistic response, going beyond physical threats to address legal and digital risks, as well as the enabling environment that sustains them.


Irene KhanSpecial Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.