David W. Binet
David W. Binet Toronto, CANADA David Binet was, until July 1, 2023, the President and Chief Executive Officer of The Woodbridge Company Limited, the principal investment holding company for Canada’s Thomson family. Woodbridge’s largest asset is its majority stake in Thomson Reuters Corporation, listed on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges, and it has numerous other investments.
David is Chair of the Council for Canadian American Relations. He recently completed six years as Chair of The National Ballet of Canada and is also currently on the boards of directors of Thomson Reuters Foundation, the Art Gallery of Ontario, the Literary Review of Canada, and is Vice Chair of OCAD University. He also serves on the board of directors of The Globe and Mail.
Before joining Woodbridge, David was a partner in the Canadian law firm Torys LLP, where his practice focused on mergers and acquisitions, and corporate finance. Prior to that, he was a news reporter.
David attended Queen’s University (BA Hons), McGill University (LLB) and Northwestern University (MSJ) and he has received certification from the Institute of Corporate Directors (Canada).