Resource Tuesday, September 12 2023 00:00 GMT

Your Rights and Duties as an Informal Trader in Accra, Ghana


This is a guide to the legal framework, set up by the assembly bye-laws, that shapes:

• Where you can work.
• Under what conditions you can work.
• What your duties under the law are.
• The powers the authorities have if the bye-laws are broken.
• How you can use the law to protect your rights against abuse by public authorities.

Section 1 of this manual gives an overview of what the law says about vending in public spaces.

Section 2 looks at some of the main bye-laws that impact on you as informal traders.

Section 3 focuses on the issue of evictions and confiscation of your goods. It will outline the powers the authorities have to evict and confiscate.

Section 4 looks at possible ways you can use the law if you are facing eviction, or have been evicted.




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