Course Introduction
Deliver complex reports for specific purposes that achieve resultsWhat's it about?
In our professional lives, we’re constantly asked to write reports – a time-consuming and often challenging task. But how do you know if your labour has been productive? Has your report been useful and relevant? This workshop is about making sure the reports you write actually get read and the contents acted upon. We show you how to sell ideas on paper, influence decision-making and successfully communicate information through writing. The course covers new ideas to increase the impact of your existing style, knowing when to use different formats and how to communicate complex information in straightforward language.
Who should attend?
This course is specifically for experienced report writers looking to produce more effective documents.
Learning outcomes
- A thorough understanding of the report brief
- Knowledge of the appropriate scope and depth for a document
- The ability to define precise communication objectives in relation to the reader
- A clear understanding of how to structure arguments effectively and persuasively
- Discover the benefits of plain English
- Understand the pros and cons of different layouts
Participants will benefit from being able to produce useful and relevant documents which will help their managers and colleagues make better-informed, more efficient decisions.
Course Structure Highlights
- Define the key issues to be covered and the ‘question’ being asked
- Communication objectives – precise objectives for what we want the readers to know, feel and do
- Develop a research strategy
- Research methods: Primary and secondary
- Report types and structures
- Principles of plain English
- Principles of page layout and document design
- The role of supporting elements such as the executive summary and follow up
- Structure the argument effectively
- Use a style of plain English that improves understanding and raises levels of interest
- Produce an effective and attractive layout
- Package the report with an interesting title, executive summary, contents page